InBody 570
The InBody 570 body composition analyzer goes beyond traditional body composition analysis, measuring fat, muscle, and total body water. Total body water data can be divided into intracellular water and extracellular water, values important for understanding a user’s fluid distribution in medical, wellness and fitness contexts.
45 Second Tests
Quickly measure fat mass, muscle mass, and body water levels in less than a minute. No dunking. No pinching. No discomfort. Simply stand on the device and hold the hand electrodes.
No Estimations
Only impedance is used to determine your body composition results; no empirical estimations such as gender and age are used or required to predict your body composition.
Cloud Software
Automatically save all the data from InBody units to Lookin’Body Web, InBody’s cloud database management system. Easily view and manage client’s results and see their progress anytime, anywhere.